Climate Change

Climate change is widely accepted as one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. There is an urgent need to mitigate climate change, which is being facilitated by emerging legislation and policy, while at the same time adaptation is required to the inevitable impacts.

We help answer questions such as: How will climate change affect my organisation? Where are the biggest risks? When should I act? What will it cost? What legislation and policies will affect my business? How do we measure and monitor our carbon emissions? How do I make the changes needed to adapt?

We work with a diverse range of clients to identify the threats and opportunities presented by climate change and how best these issues can be managed. At the core of our service is a cutting edge team of specialists in climate change science, impacts and responses, mitigation, policy, carbon monitoring and measurement and energy issues.

Our suite of online carbon calculators provide users with the data they need to understand the impact of carbon in their projects.


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